Vect tip of the week : Newton’s method

Hi all and welcome to another vect tip of the week. So, while doing a homework for a numerical solution of partial differential equations class (or NSoPDE, as I call it), I thought about if I could write the Newton’s method in Matlab so that I could make it faster. But first, let’s do a little recap of what Newton’s method is. Think about your … Continue reading Vect tip of the week : Newton’s method

Vect tip of the week : Vectorization of piecewise functions

Hi all. As every week*, we will have a tip for those who want to vectorize their matlab programs, for reasons already stated in earlier posts. In this case, we will look at the vectorization of piecewise functions. Let’s say you have a function like this : which, when plotted, would look like this OK. So, what’s the deal? Well, from the earlier posts on … Continue reading Vect tip of the week : Vectorization of piecewise functions

Vect tip of the Week : Addition of matrices

This is a new series of posts which will run along with the “fourier awesomeness” ones. Before one or two days, I was with a colleague and we were trying to program something in Matlab, when I said something about “vectorizing” the code, to which I got a blank stare as an answer. So, since Matlab is one of the most useful tools in a … Continue reading Vect tip of the Week : Addition of matrices