Ant Colony optimization slides

You can check out the slides I used to present the ant colony optimization method here. It was really fun studying & explaining this algorithm. 😀 I was also planning to use this video in the presentation but changed my mind during the last hours. It explains a lot of the ideas used in social animal algorithms. Cool stuff! 🙂   Continue reading Ant Colony optimization slides

Finding the minimum : Step 1, apply heat. Step 2, wait for the function to cool off. Step 3, enjoy.

Hi everyone! Today I will show you a cool method to find the minimum (or maximum) of a function , where A could be a subset of the reals or of the complex numbers. So, let’s say that you want to find the minimum of This function has a complex landscape. and of course it’s easy to see the where the global minimum is and … Continue reading Finding the minimum : Step 1, apply heat. Step 2, wait for the function to cool off. Step 3, enjoy.